Google Wave? What It Does?
Recently I just got an invitation for early preview for Google Wave. In fact, I didn’t quite follow recently about the development of Google Wave. So I’m questioning myself and Google, what does it do, and what it makes a difference than many web applications spread around the net.
In fact the first time I entered the dashboard of Google Wave, my first impression is it was just like another GMail. I also got “another” sort of e-mail accounts with as the domain, but I couldn’t send anything to it (technically receiving any e-mail send to that address). Maybe that address is for another purpose, but I don’t know what.
In the contact table, only one person listed in my contact. He was the person who gave me GMail invitation for almost 5 years ago. Yeah, I’ve been using GMail since it wasn’t out for public use :P. He was from USA (if I’m not mistaken), and we met on MTS2 chatroom. It was old time :P.
In Google Wave, we could create a “Wave” which might be a sort of a discussion board. You could select every person you’d like to join the discussion, and you could put many gadgets in your discussion board. The default gadgets which pre-installed is Yes-No-Maybe polling gadget, and a Google Maps gadget. They also offer another gadgets like entertainment gadgets, where you can play a game in your “Wave” together with your mate. I saw a screenshot of a chess game on their page.
From the impression on the info page of Google Wave, I think Google Wave would like to create a real-time discussion board, which (will) encapsulates many activities on the net with its plugins/gadgets. I think it will be very useful for people who interact with PC often, including me :P.
I only got 8 invitations for my friends. I think I would like to invite some of my friends which is geek enough to explore and use Google Wave and usable for both of us :D.
kayaknya google mau mengumpulkan /internet/ ke semua infrastruktur miliknya ya… hahaha
Bentar lagi gw bikin perusahaan yang nandingin Google kok jadi tenang aja ^^