Tagged: C#

GPS Library for Windows 10 IoT and Raspberry Pi

I am tinkering with Raspberry Pi 3 (RasPi) and Windows 10 IoT Core. I was thinking how to build an IoT device with GPS functionality in RasPi. Many IoT projects employ GPS module but they use it mostly with Arduino to build quadcopter. Some people tried it with RasPi, but they use it in Raspbian OS. No one seems tried to build directly with RPi and Windows. So, I made...

Generics in WCF REST JSON Communication

Overview So I got a taskĀ in designing a scalable and modular Service Oriented application using JSON and WCF. I am designing a web service using WCF. The communication between the web service and the client will be using JSON. While the server is using .NET Framework, the client is using Android Java. I aim to design the service as modular as possible. For every web service request from the client,...