Tagged: leetcode

Leetcode Roasting of the Day: Replace Words

Let’s roast! Today’s Leetcode challenge is: 648. Replace Words Given a list of dictionary words, replace all words in the given sentence that has the prefix of the word match to the dictionary word, into that prefix. So, if we have a dictionary word “cat” and a sentence “the cattle”, we replace “cattle” into “cat” since “cat” is a prefix of “cattle”, hence producing the resulting sentence “the cat”. It...

Another Roasting the Leetcode of the Day: Hand of Straights

Today’s Leetcode is: 846. Hand of Straights (https://leetcode.com/problems/hand-of-straights/) The general idea is extremely simple: given a list of numbers, divide the numbers equally into multiple lists with k size, where each elements are consecutive numbers. For example: List [1,2,3,6,2,3,4,7,8], divided into list of 3 elements will be: [1,2,3],[2,3,4],[6,7,8]. Make a function to check IF we can make such list or not. I am checking the provided solution by Leetcode, and...

Code Roasting the Leetcode Submission

Let’s do some code-roasting, shall we? 😛 Today’s Leetcode challenge is straightforward: “Longest Palindrome.” The problem statement is simple: given a string consisting of lowercase and uppercase characters, return the longest palindrome length that can be built with the supplied letters. This is a simple counting problem that can be solved by counting the appearance of the characters in the string. If a character appears as many as even times,...

Leetcode-ing with Assembly: Add Two Numbers

I was bored yesterday, so I decided to play with Leetcode, but by coding it in assembly. I initially got inspired by the Indonesian tech discourse to solve the simple “Add Two Numbers” problem using assembly (Link to tweet). Then it comes to my mind, how if I solve other problems with assembly as well. Then I delved into the rabbit hole of playing with the x86 instruction sets. I...