Monthly Archive: June 2017

Tizen Studio on Other Than Ubuntu

It’s pain in the ass. Really. If you can stick to Ubuntu or its derivatives, please do that. I kinda hate how Tizen Studio is developed to only support Ubuntu out-of-the-box. A software should not dictate what Linux distro it should be installed on. Distro is just like a religion for some people, and some people are like me, who doesn’t like Ubuntu and its bloatware. Personally I use OpenSUSE...

Weird std::thread bug on GCC 4.9 on ARM target

I have been dealing with Tizen development since about last year, and since then I have been learning of utilizing C++11 features on my codes. Currently I am developing a some kind of component to help performing message pump in threading, so you can dispatch a function to a queue to be performed in separate thread. It is a simple components actually. You can take a look at GitHub. DispatchQueue...