Author: gilang

Leetcode Roasting of the Day: Replace Words

Let’s roast! Today’s Leetcode challenge is: 648. Replace Words Given a list of dictionary words, replace all words in the given sentence that has the prefix of the word match to the dictionary word, into that prefix. So, if we have a dictionary word “cat” and a sentence “the cattle”, we replace “cattle” into “cat” since “cat” is a prefix of “cattle”, hence producing the resulting sentence “the cat”. It...

Another Roasting the Leetcode of the Day: Hand of Straights

Today’s Leetcode is: 846. Hand of Straights ( The general idea is extremely simple: given a list of numbers, divide the numbers equally into multiple lists with k size, where each elements are consecutive numbers. For example: List [1,2,3,6,2,3,4,7,8], divided into list of 3 elements will be: [1,2,3],[2,3,4],[6,7,8]. Make a function to check IF we can make such list or not. I am checking the provided solution by Leetcode, and...

Code Roasting the Leetcode Submission

Let’s do some code-roasting, shall we? 😛 Today’s Leetcode challenge is straightforward: “Longest Palindrome.” The problem statement is simple: given a string consisting of lowercase and uppercase characters, return the longest palindrome length that can be built with the supplied letters. This is a simple counting problem that can be solved by counting the appearance of the characters in the string. If a character appears as many as even times,...

Leetcode-ing with Assembly: Add Two Numbers

I was bored yesterday, so I decided to play with Leetcode, but by coding it in assembly. I initially got inspired by the Indonesian tech discourse to solve the simple “Add Two Numbers” problem using assembly (Link to tweet). Then it comes to my mind, how if I solve other problems with assembly as well. Then I delved into the rabbit hole of playing with the x86 instruction sets. I...

The Lullaby from Eurovision 2023

I barely follow Eurovision except during the final show, where I am basically able to compare all the performances of every singer objectively. I have been doing it since the 2021 edition of Eurovision. I found it quite an interesting approach to update my Spotify playlist annually with new underdog artists from (mostly) Europe. Last week was Eurovision week, and as usual, I watched the live performance from the Semi...

My Computer Throughout My Lifetime

Just stumbled upon twatterverse where people are flexing their PC build. So I decided to join the bandwagon lol. But rather than talking my only current PC, in this post I am going to describe all PC builds and laptop I ever owned. Early 16-bit days The earlierst PC I (or, basically my family) owned was when I was 4 years old. It was around the year of 1994, when...

Speculating: Why Windows 11 Requirements is Too Strict

We just recently hear an announcement that Windows 11 will require a hard requirement that left out the older machines from installing it. People have been questioning this requirement because it left out the majority of older PC users. In the recent announcement, they even stated that older systems more than 3 years old will not be able to install Windows 11. This includes Intel processors prior to Coffee Lake...

Another Statement of Purpose Draft for TUM

Backstory Writing a statement of purpose or motivation letter cannot be done in a single iteration. I think I mentioned several times in my other blog post that I drafted and scrapped my letter multiple times. The letter I finally sent was the third iteration of long contemplation and brainstorming. Recently, I was helping some friends in reviewing their letters. One thing that caught my attention was the idea conceived...

The Short Story of My Grandmother

This is not a happy story, but actually a story about my mother’s family during hard times for years. My mom came from a lower-income family from Sumatera, and her story is a kind of self-reflection story and taught me to become a better person. This story is real, being told by my mother and my aunts. They were the living witnesses of this story. It’s all began with my...

Tech Interview with Microsoft

I got an opportunity to be interviewed by Microsoft Engineering Center France for an internship position. I came across this opportunity from my campus internal bulletin board and my documents were submitted to this private channel. The position offered is a software engineer intern. So here’s some story about my experience getting interviewed by a tech giant. First Step: Online Coding Test Similar to other tech companies, everything began with...