Author: gilang

(Almost) Seamlessly Integrate Android Layout XML to Code Behind Reference

It’s been a while since my last post. With this post, I would like to share a little bit of my toolkit which I use extensively on my Android project. 🙂 Overview So basically, when you are developing apps for Android, you use Android XML file to define the User Interface (UI) layout structure, then you code using Java for the implementation. Basically they resembles the .NET WPF/Silverlight’s XAML development,...

Marathon Coding

I love doing what I may call marathon coding: Code one functionality you are going to implement from start to end. If the functionality means that you have to create a very big class from start to end, then do it. DO NOT debug or try to run the program before the functionality you desired is exactly implemented. The threshold is that your program will be able to produce the...

Ambiguous Result

Another quo-de for today. You can see how ambiguous this function call [java] protected void onPostExecute(RefreshTaskResult<ActionResult<SquadInfoShort>> result) { // Check result if(result.getResult().getResult()) { } } [/java] What result?

Generics in WCF REST JSON Communication

Overview So I got a task in designing a scalable and modular Service Oriented application using JSON and WCF. I am designing a web service using WCF. The communication between the web service and the client will be using JSON. While the server is using .NET Framework, the client is using Android Java. I aim to design the service as modular as possible. For every web service request from the client,...

Entity Framework: Design Approach

I’ve been using Entity Framework since its introduction. Entity Framework (EF) is a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for .NET Framework. I’ve been debating with my teammates whether EF is better than other ORM such as OpenAccess, which I believe is true, because EF provides the necessary feature to connect our program to the database, especially if you are using Microsoft products, SQL Server. In my thinking, why bother using...

Story of Modularity: Loading XML Files

Previously I told about achieving modularity in web application and I mentioned about using XML files as a configuration script for our module. This session, I’m going to explain the easy way to load external XML file to your program. This method doesn’t only work on web application, but in any .NET application. Where to Start? I usually start developing custom XML structure by typing directly to my XML file....

Story of Modularity: Achieving Modularity in Web Application

In my Heliosky.Story project, I am planning to create modularity on every part of the system. To achieve modularity, my program has to be able to load module or application part dynamically. Achieving modularity in web programming is not an easy task. Basically I am amazed with WordPress style of modularity, where they provide a full set of modular API so you can easily develop your custom theme, page, or...

Control Your Source Code

You usually save your code on your development machine. When you need to share your code with your friend, or perhaps when you use multiple development machine such as desktop and laptop simultaneously, you share your code by copying the entire folder and share it to your liking. This is a very bad practice, especially when sharing involves changes and development from other party. Because of that we need a...

What The Hell?

So welcome to my dev-blog. So basically this blog is for my personal project called Heliosky. Yes. I have plenty of personal projects and STALLED! God. So I developed this blog as a motivation to myself to keep on writing, in parallel with continuing my personal project. I will present some of my ideas, my implementation, geeky things, and so on here. What are my personal projects exactly? The ultimate...